The Socratic method is the reason that law school is the only place where you learn to hate your own name. –James D. Gordon, III
The more I read him, the less I wonder that they poisoned him. –Thomas Babington Macaulay, on Socrates
If it’s the Socratic method, why is Socrates doing all the talking?
Carneades represented the Academy, the same argumentative open-air institution where three centuries before, Socrates drove his interlocutors to murder him just to get some respite from his arguments. –Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Fooled by Randomness
Socrates spent his days asking people [for their “personal philosophies”] and then poking holes in what he heard. Most of the time, in Plato’s telling, his interlocutors reacted by walking away, changing the subject or sticking their fingers in their proverbial ears. Eventually, though, he angered enough people with his incessant questioning that they killed him for it, even though the formal charge read a little differently. –Brian M. Carney